The goal of the NTAA is to provide a safe, fun learning environment for the youth of our community. We strive to create an opportunity for kids to work together as a team toward common goals. We emphasize sportsmanship, teamwork and respect for authority figures (Board Members, Coaches, and Game Officials). Our focus is on developing good life skills through the sports of football, cheerleading and lacrosse.
NTAA will not tolerate verbal or physical abuse of its volunteer coaches, referees, or players from any Parent, Player, or Spectator. Spectators, as well as the players and coaches, are expected to abide by the code of conduct described here at all NTAA events. While most of the adults and children in the program will abide by this code without being instructed, it is being published to protect the children, the integrity of our program, and emphasize the values of NTAA
Coaches Code of Conduct
As a Team Coach, you (through your actions and words) set the example for your players, parents/guardians, and spectators. You set the tone and lead by example. Read the players, spectators, and parents Code. Understand what is being asked of all participants in your sport. Actively promote these Codes. Coaches must place the well-being and safety of each player above all other considerations, including the development of performance. Ensure that each player is correctly dressed with the necessary safety equipment (helmet, mouthpiece, pads, etc.) before being allowed to play. Get treatment for an injured player immediately. Co-operate fully with medical personnel in the best interest of the player. Never either physically or mentally push children beyond their abilities. The game is of minor consideration when compared to the child's future health and well-being. Encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behavior and performance. Never condone unacceptable behavior. Accept the decisions of the game officials on the field as being fair and called to the best ability of said officials. The officials are in charge of all games; their decisions are final. Always be prompt, courteous, and direct when dealing with the League Officials, opposition Coaches, and Referees. Obeyed NESYA Official Rules and assist your players and parents in understanding them. All coaches must be certified through USA Football.
Agree to a background screening of your application with regards to your suitability to work with children.
Athlete's Code of Conduct
I Will:
Have fun!
Be a good sport (win or lose), be honest and fair.
Learn the value of commitment to the team; sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and fair play.
Show courtesy and respect to my teammates, opponents, coaches and officials.
Know that athletic contests are educational experiences.
Give complete attention to the instructions of my coaches and league officials.
I Will Not:
Use profanity, talk trash, or taunt others before, during, or after any game.
Display any unsportsmanlike behavior.
Criticize my teammates or players from other teams.
Act in any way that may incite spectators.
Parents/Spectators Code of Conduct
As a parent or spectator, I will:
Support my child's team and help my child and NTAA make athletic contests a positive educational experiences direct constructive criticism of my child's team program to the head coach and/or association officials at an appropriate time. I will work toward a positive result for all concerned.
Accept decisions of the game officials (including coaches) on the field as being fair and called to the best ability of said officials. The officials are in charge of all games; their decisions are final.
Exhibit exemplary sportsmanship at all times.
Emphasize that good athletes strive to be good students that are physically and mentally alert.
Strive to make every football/cheerleading/lacrosse activity serve as a training ground for life, and a basis for good mental and physical health by being present to support the children.
Abstain from being under the influence of or in possession of and/or drinking alcoholic beverages and the possession or use of any illegal substance on both the game and practice fields.
Stay behind the designated spectator line during a game and practices.
Direct my concerns/complains privately, abiding by the 24-Hour Rule either by email or verbal to the Head Coach
I will not:
Interfere/interrupt the coaching staff during games or practices.
Criticize officials or coaches, direct abuse or profane language toward them, or otherwise subvert their authority.
Criticize an opposing team, its players, coaches, or spectators by word of mouth, by gesture, or by deliberately inciting unsportsmanlike behavior.
Undermine, in work or deed, the authority of the coach or NTAA sports program.
24-Hour Rule:
Before contacting your Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Commissioner of Football/Director of Cheer/Lacrosse Liaison, NTAA President or any NTAA Board member with complaints regarding on-field activities, playing time concerns, etc. you are required to observe the 24-Hour rule and wait a complete day before reaching out to any of the above mentioned people. All complaints & comments by parents relating to on-field activities will go first through the Head Coach, then if you do not feel you concern has been responded adequately you may file a grievance with the Commission of Football or the Director of Cheer. If all appropriate parties have been contacted first and all other options exhausted you may take your grievance to NTAA President.
Additionally, NTAA will NOT address any third party or anonymous phone calls, emails, social media messages etc.
Zero Tolerance Policy
At any NTAA event, practice, game, or competition, any adult who verbally abuses, attempts to intimidate, is flagrantly rude to, or does not control their language or actions with a player, official, coach, spectator, or NTAA Board member will be asked to leave the event. He or she will receive written warning regarding their behavior. If the spectator fails to leave upon request, law enforcement authorities may be called to remove the spectator.
Any adult that commits a second similar offense will be banned from all NTAA events (home and away) for one calendar year.
Any adult who physically assaults an official, coach, NTAA Board Member or another adult at a game, practice or event will be banned from NTAA for one year from the date of the offense. After one year, the adult may apply for re-instatement and will required the approval of the Board. If the adult commits a second offense, he/she will be permanently banned from all NTAA Football, Cheer and lacrosse events and property including away games/events.
The term physical assault includes, but is not limited to: hitting, slapping, pushing, spitting, kicking or striking in any way with any part of the body or any physical implement.